August 10, 2021

Neurologic Manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 Infection from Continuum® Audio

Avindra Nath, MD, MBBS, FAAN, Chief, Section of Infections of the Nervous System, and Clinical Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

Many coronaviruses are known to cause neurologic complications. Unlike most other coronaviruses, however, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has become even more virulent and is now also proficient at replicating and adapting to humans. The ongoing surge in neurologic complications is related to an overall increase in incidence.

In this insightful 48-minute interview conducted by Teshamae Monteith, MD, FAAN, from the American Academy of Neurology’s Continuum® Audio, entitled “Neurologic Manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 Infection,” Avindra Nath, MD, MBBS, FAAN, takes a deeper dive into this rapidly evolving situation. Dr. Nath discusses a wide range of neurologic manifestations, effects, and results of COVID-19 infection, including:

  • Clinical spectrum of neurologic complications
  • Pathophysiology of neurologic complications
  • Cognitive impairment after recovery
  • Postacute COVID syndrome (long-haul COVID)
  • Effect of COVID-19 infection on clinical practice
  • Ethical dilemmas for treatment

This detailed and illuminating interview with Dr. Nath is intended to help clinicians improve their management of COVID-19. After listening, clinicians will be better prepared to:

  • Identify neurologic complications associated with COVID-19 infection
  • Provide treatment for neurologic complications of COVID-19 infections based on proposed pathophysiology
  • Develop strategies for improving health care during the COVID-19 pandemic and better prepare for future pandemics

Neurologic Manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Avindra Nath, MD, MBBS, FAAN
From Continuum® Audio and the American Academy of Neurology®

This interview is based on the article “Neurologic Manifestations of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Syndrome Infection” by Dr. Nath in the August 2021 Neurocritical Care issue of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology®, which can be accessed at

Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology is the official CME journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Continuum Audio interviews with authors of Continuum articles are available to Continuum subscribers. Visit to learn more about Continuum and Continuum Audio.

AudioDigest editors continue to work closely with experts from all disciplines of medicine and healthcare to provide you with informative discussions and updates on COVID-19 as they occur. Please visit our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Resources for Clinicians page to access content on the COVID-19 pandemic.


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The WHIP COVID-19 Study: The Use of Hydroxychloroquine as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 ⟶

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For more Coronavirus Resources & Tools from UpToDate and Ovid


The World Health Organization (WHO) ⟶ 

WHO Daily Updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak ⟶

*This single lecture is not a CME activity.
